Designed by athletes, for athletes

We are proud to be a part of a healthy lifestyle. Our garments and accessories are inspired by the dreams of those who dare to challenge their limits and adventure onto new paths. Because of this, we use fabrics designed for athletes who love to be comfortable and look good, who demand the most from their clothes, and those who want a perfect match for their bodies and enjoy looking good.

Our Values


accept challenges willing to go beyond limits. GICI is at the highest level of your performance.


in search of beauty and quality, we know movement is part of your personality.


we are always experimenting with new fabrics and designs that will contribute to your performance and take you further


Renownd female ultrarunner in South America. Winner at the Machu Picchu trail in Peru, Winner at the Patagonia run in Argentina, qualified for the UTMB 100 miles at Montblanc, France, one the hardest races in the world with over 10,000m of altitude gain.


He was one of the best inline skaters back in the 90’s. In 1999, he beat the individual 300m time trial world record. He participated in multiple world championships, obtaining multiple medals for his country. He helped other speed skaters make their way in this discipline, so they could achieve their goals.

About us (Who we are)

Description: GICI is a brand created by “Golly” Cardona and “Capeto”, athletes who opened doors for Colombia in trail running and inline skating. 

These experiences and passion for  adventure took them to designing sports clothes. They have committed to find the best fabrics, designs and materials. GICI is design by athletes for athletes, it’s the result of the experience given by each kilometer they went through. We portray our passion in every design, we give our best so you can have the best as well.

Our Philosophy
Go Farther

we are committed to not stopping and always making each design with the highest quality and attention to detail, so it reflects your lifestyle. Each detail is important to us, we use our experience and expertise of being athletes. We give and try to capture all of our passion into what we do. We know that you strive to get farther and your cycling kits must be at the level of your challenges.

In each item and accessory we produce, GICI tries to capture the most significant demands from cycling to help you achieve your goals.